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Showing posts from November, 2014

An update!

Short story: went back to the ER, took lots of tests, all came back perfectly fine. Long story: I fasted through Wednesday night to Thursday. I went in for labs at 9a. I was able to eat at 10:15ish. I got to work by 11a. I finished a task (yay!) And started to feel dizzy. Then nauseous. I figured it was a side effect from having so much blood drawn in the last couple of days! I called Nicole who came and drove me home. Then she stayed with me and I got progressively worse with the nausea, headache, lower back ache, and vertigo. Called Matt, called the dr, went back to my dr. He repeatedly pushed on my stomach- yikes! That was not pleasant. If you know that hurts, no need to keep poking me. Then I threw up. Then he was concerned it was my gallbladder. Because a sick gallbladder can look just like a heart attack! Guess what the symptoms are for a heart attack? Chest pain, left arm pain, nausea, dizziness, swollen feet, shortness of breath. And a gallbladder? Chest pain, left arm pain

Full Disclosure

So I was surprised at just how worried our friends and families were after my most recent tongue in cheek FB post. I thought for sure people would get a chuckle. Instead there was an incredible outpouring of concern and love- which is appreciated! And humbling.  To honor that and ease that concern a bit, I would like to share a little more information so you have the full scoop! Work: Yes, I took on a lot this semester. I can't help. I love to be helpful. I love to learn new things. And I also love to pay our bills on time! Working several part time jobs meets each of those. But it is draining running around from place to place and making sure to be in the right mindset in each place. I shared my concerns with friends, supervisors and family and since late September have been in a great place with work. I have incredible support! My supervisors and co-workers and students are flexible and helpful and I thrive in these environments. Like any student affairs professional, Octobe