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An update!

Short story: went back to the ER, took lots of tests, all came back perfectly fine.

Long story: I fasted through Wednesday night to Thursday. I went in for labs at 9a. I was able to eat at 10:15ish. I got to work by 11a. I finished a task (yay!) And started to feel dizzy. Then nauseous. I figured it was a side effect from having so much blood drawn in the last couple of days! I called Nicole who came and drove me home. Then she stayed with me and I got progressively worse with the nausea, headache, lower back ache, and vertigo. Called Matt, called the dr, went back to my dr. He repeatedly pushed on my stomach- yikes! That was not pleasant. If you know that hurts, no need to keep poking me.

Then I threw up. Then he was concerned it was my gallbladder. Because a sick gallbladder can look just like a heart attack! Guess what the symptoms are for a heart attack? Chest pain, left arm pain, nausea, dizziness, swollen feet, shortness of breath. And a gallbladder? Chest pain, left arm pain, nausea, dizziness, swollen feet, shortness of breath. Ok. Cool, that is an easy fix, take it out! I was going to be sad to see it go as I have all my parts. I have tonsils, appendix, spleen, livers, gallbladder, and wisdom teeth. He was going to order a ct scan, but   by then it was past 4p and he couldn't schedule it, so he said I could go to the ER, or wait it out till morning.

After talking to Nicole and Matt, I was going to the ER. Matt headed home and took the girls to Raquel's house. (Where later Savvy threw up- So sorry! I am taking her to the dr today) Then Nicole took me to the ER. I tried to get rid of her ;-) She had already been with me four hours! But really, I'm glad I wasn't alone.

Lots happened at the ER. I threw up again. It just is not pleasant. I hate it so muc. It is always so violent. Nicole marveled at the amount of whatever it was that was coming up because I hadn't eaten much today. It was pretty impressive. Just kept coming!

Eventually I had an ekg, ultra sound, more labs, a CT scan, a chest XRay and everything came back fine. It was funny, Matt showed up during the ultra sound and we had convinced the tech Melissa to play with him. By this time I on good drugs and zofran so I was feeling great! And everyone kept asking me about pregnant which is not possible. Matt had his annual check up this year and things have not grown back together since the big snip so that is not possible.  But, Melissa did agree to play a brief trick. So Matt walked in and kind of started, and said "Oh that brings back memories. Whoa, well we know you aren't pregnant." And I said "do we?" And Melissa said "I don't know" and she pointed to the screen and his face went white and his eyes got big. It was hilarious!!!!! Easily my favorite part of the evening. We were cracking up.

What happens next? I don't know. I feel fine now. I have pain meds. And more zofran, yay! That stuff is miraculous.  The doctors said sometimes gallbladder problems don't show up in the tests so just watch out for fever or tenderness.

I don't know if we should be happy that all of my tests come back great, or if we should be concerned that  I keep having symptoms of something but they don't know what. A conundrum.

I have a cardiologist app today, but I'm going to call my dr first and ask if he thinks I need to go. It seems silly to go when all the tests comeback normal, until he started talking about all of the different illness it could be that wouldn't show up on the tests we have had. Way to make me paranoid!

I could be completely healthy and never show these symptoms again, or something could burst today and I could be in surgery tonight.  We shall wait and see!


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