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Showing posts from December, 2013

Christmas 2013- Part III

My mom came for Christmas! She hadn't seen any of us since Savvy was born, so a little over a year. The girls loved having Grandma here and Matt and I loved the downtime as well. We tried our best to sell her on moving to the area. We'll see if it worked!

Christmas 2013 Part I- A Pageant and Advent Adventures

If you want to feel some Christmas joy, hit up a kid's Christmas pageant. I'm not talking about a mega-church performance with kids flying through the air and choreography. I'm talking about your run of the mill, hometown, everyone has a part, no budget, home made costume, kind of play. They are the best!  The kids are brimming with cuteness and confusion. There are cameras galore, flashes of light going off every 30 seconds to capture junior picking his nose or pulling down her underwear/diaper.  This year no one lost baby Jesus. Praise him!  There were four readers at the lecterns, alternating parts of the story. These are the kids who are old enough to read, but still young enough to want to participate. We made a lamb costume for Cass out of hot glue, cotton balls, Easter bunny ears, and a dress.  Savvy was the littlest angel :-) She would walk down the aisle and stop. Just taking her sweet time, absorbing all the oohs and aahs aimed her way. Cass was practicin