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Showing posts from May, 2015

Cassidy Grace turns 6!

It is wild to think that today, 6 years ago, before closing was to begin in Sierra Hall, I went into labor with Miss Cassidy Grace. Being that child's momma is a joy that exceeds the most eloquent of words. She is such a little lady! For her birthday she requested a garden themed party. So we broke out our RA programming skills folks. - One large, hand drawn, life-sized garden gnome for pin the hat on the gnome? Check. - Markers to draw on all windows? Check. - Food ordered and help enlisted to set up? Check. - Tables and chairs rented? Check. - Invites created from random pack of foam flowers found at Target? Check. - Butterfly pinata filled with candy leftover from Easter? Check. - Terra cotta pots from the dollar store to paint? Check. - Paint? Check. - Seeds to plant in the pot? Check. All supplies, materials, rentals, and food for 20 kids and 18 parents total...drumroll...$170! That was some good shopping! We had Cass' dogs, watermelon, baked b