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Showing posts from October, 2023

Family Weekend at Miss Halls

 Cassidy is thriving in her new school. She is in a community that has space and access to intentionally and thoughtfully live out its values.  While a return to on campus living was not in our plans, it has allowed us to be nearby as she dances along the edges of independence.  Matt has a front row seat to daily life at the school, and was chauffering to Savvy's soccer game while I got to be the parent of a day student who is also a resident for the two day event.  Friday night's concert was a mix of choral and instrumental pieces. SO much talent! It's the second time Cass has played Sir Duke in a concert and she seemed very happy with her performance. She knew we were, as evidenced by our cheering 🤗 On Saturday I got to be a student! I went to all of her classes for 20 minutes for a real lesson. I usually interact with her teachers in a social setting; eating meals together, attending events, going to the adult wellness stuff, random hallway conversations. Getting to see