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Showing posts from February, 2012

Turning 30...

My 30th birthday was one of the best birthday celebrations to date! The sign above is still on our living room wall. My office had a tea party for me complete with a beautiful service and pastries. And doing fun things with my family all week and being intentional about spending time together reminds me of how blessed we are. The morning of my birthday I volunteered with an organization called PADS that is very much like Family Promise for those who live in Reno and have worked with them. I was part of the clean up crew and assisted with feeding breakfast to the homeless who had sheltered at a church for the night, then broke down and cleaned beds, linens, floors, bathrooms, etc. Growing up, there were very few times we didn't have a place to live and other than one night I can remember spent in our car, my parents always made sure I had somewhere to stay even when they didn't. They would ride the CAT bus in Vegas all night while I slept safe and warm at a friend&#