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Showing posts from January, 2021

How are you?

I super appreciate the positive stories and experiences from people who have had major surgery and sailed right through. But, truly, it has been hearing from people who struggled, experienced setbacks, and had a hard time that have been most helpful. Knowing I am not alone in this craziness of my body adjusting and readjusting to the physical trauma I inflicted upon it is so soothing!  There is a dissonance between "common, normal, major, serious surgery" that is confusing. Three weeks post surgery tomorrow and my energy is up and down, the pain is not completely gone, I miss work, but am anxious about returning to work in a couple weeks, and my organs are literally and figuratively all over the place.  I think I had this idea that being on leave for a month would bring some rest, but honestly, this is a stressful experience where we are monitoring and tracking meds, symptoms, and progress around the clock. It is work. And some of the "normal" side effects (insomnia