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Showing posts from June, 2016

Cassidy Goes to Camp

I really thought I would be more of a mess. There are bears, big cats, and mosquitos with zika virus. There are huge waves, strong undertows, and deep blue waters. There are people who are human and make errors. There are people who are evil predators. There's I-80 and US 50 ( if you don't know about the awful sex trafficking in our area, there are great resources and local orgs working relentlessly on saving our boys and girls). And scariest of all there is a 7 year old who is trusting and curious.  SO curious! For months I have been scared about Cass going to camp by herself, away from us for 4 nights and 5 days. Did you see that list of horrors previously mentioned? Like the soundtrack to an awful b-movie, these lists of what-ifs have been on repeat in the paranoid-ultra-hyper-over-protective part of my psyche. And yesterday, the playlist stopped. How blessed and privileged are we that our daughter gets to go to camp in Lake Tahoe?! And not just any camp, a camp we