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Showing posts from July, 2013

Thoughts on Moving, 10 Tips, and Silly Pictures

I have moved around my entire life. From Denver to Texas to Denver to Vegas. All over Vegas, and that includes Green Valley, Henderson, North Vegas, etc, growing up I don't think there is an area we didn't live in. There are a few streets where we lived in every single apt complex up and down the street. Vegas to Reno to Philadelphia to Reno to Chicago. And now back to Reno. I'm noticing a trend! Oh moving...on one hand, I am really quite good at it! I can pack a box like nobody's business. I remember once, my dad came home and said we had to pack everything and leave within an hour. During the dark years, he sometimes robbed the wrong people. This particular time he tried to take the landlord's purse while asking for an extension on our rent. He was bold when he was high! And we were out and at someone's couch before nightfall. With each move there is a shedding of material things. I have learned to not get attached to things. When you grow up with an

Cassidy's response to the Cheerios Commercial

Vanessa and Aunt Sue sent us links to a Kid's React about THE Cheerios commercial featuring a multi-racial family. ( After a few minutes of watching it, I decided to invite Cass to watch it with me.  After the first few questions I would pause it and ask her the same questions. Her responses were pretty similar to the kids' responses.  After the commercial I asked Cass if she notices that her momma and daddy look different. Cassidy said: "Yeah, but it doesn't matter because you guys love me and you love Savannah and we're Team Smith and we don't give up ever...And you guys don't ever give up loving each other or me and my sister and you'll never give up being married to each other and you'll always love us and that's it." Then I asked her if she liked the commercial. Cassidy said: "It's funny! But she made a big mess. I can't make messes like that." Finally I asked

Hanging out in Chicago

We decided to play tourists and take a walk around our neighborhood. Magnolia Bakery has incredible desserts, but we settled for cookies as they are only $1 a piece! Delicious and economical :-) The Cultural Center is across the street and we sometimes forget they host amazing art galleries in a beautiful building. They also do many events. A huge Indian wedding was taking place on several floors, there was a menagerie of animals out front walking up a red carpet processing before the happy couple. I don't mean cats and dogs, I mean camels! The music was really great. We ended our stroll with a long slow walk along the river and lake front.

9 Months old and Summer Fun

Savvy is nine months old as of yesterday! Wow. Three days ago she finally revealed two tiny teeth. One on the bottom, near the middle and one on top near the middle. I don't know what these teeth are called, but they are not the typical first teeth you get. It has been serious work to get these teeth. Teething is not for the faint of heart. The drooling, the endless chewing on everything, the late nights of no sleep and one poor baby in agony....I have never been so excited to see a tooth! Savvy has also taken to standing whenever possible and cruising around. She has been showing off her skills to one and all. First our friend Teri came to visit a couple weeks ago. Days after she left, our friend Kyle was here. Then we went on vacation to see Matt's parents, aunt and uncle, grandma, sister and sister's new beau. Savannah is very much in the separation anxiety phase these days, in particular since I have been home. So while she may not enjoy being held by others, plea