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Showing posts from April, 2014

Easter 2014

The pictures below are too funny! I debated adding captions, but really, it would be much more fun for you to come up with your own! Our Easter Bunny is a fashion maven, filling baskets with matching purple chucks and sunglasses this year! It is a family tradition with a twist. Growing up, my mom would sometimes buy me new shoes for Easter. Patent leather, black, mary-janes or the like to match whatever frilly concoction I was adorned in. Were they cute? Why, yes. Did they hurt? Why, yes! My family doesn't have many traditions, but I wanted to save this one.  I hunt for the sales (this year the lucky winner was Kohls with shoes that were 50% off!) and the girls get matching converse shoes, or chucks. They are comfortable, wearable, cleanable and functional.  They match the Easter ensemble just fine. And the girls love them. We don't add candy to the baskets as they will get candy at church. I did put in a small bag of cookies because the girls typically like to share