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Easter 2014

The pictures below are too funny! I debated adding captions, but really, it would be much more fun for you to come up with your own!

Our Easter Bunny is a fashion maven, filling baskets with matching purple chucks and sunglasses this year! It is a family tradition with a twist. Growing up, my mom would sometimes buy me new shoes for Easter. Patent leather, black, mary-janes or the like to match whatever frilly concoction I was adorned in.

Were they cute?
Why, yes.

Did they hurt?
Why, yes!

My family doesn't have many traditions, but I wanted to save this one.  I hunt for the sales (this year the lucky winner was Kohls with shoes that were 50% off!) and the girls get matching converse shoes, or chucks. They are comfortable, wearable, cleanable and functional.  They match the Easter ensemble just fine. And the girls love them. We don't add candy to the baskets as they will get candy at church. I did put in a small bag of cookies because the girls typically like to share and I really like these shortbread cookies! And a tradition continues...

We walked to Trinity this morning and it was nice to see the church packed with families. I have no judgement towards our friends and families that make it out to Christmas and Easter. It feels like a reunion when folks we haven't seen in a while come out to celebrate the season. And it's really fun. Plus, when all those people are not there, it's easier to find parking and a seat.  ;-)

Cass is starting to ask tougher questions now. In a delightful, curious way. This morning, Rev Liz was talking about the tomb of Jesus, the stone being rolled away, etc. And Cass was consumed by the story, her eyes wide with wonder at how this could be possible. Before we could begin to address the barrage of questions headed our way when she and the other kids were sent back to the pews from the story time at the altar, she was distracted by the rest of the service. We did the Peace, we sang a few more hymns, she went potty, we did the offering, we had communion and before you know it, we were deep in egg hunting. With her distraction complete, we had been blessed with the gift of time to think through how we will start to answer these questions. If you have advice, suggestions, or stories, please do share!!

Our next stop was Mimi's Cafe, a favorite spot of ours. We always get a discount or free item or something and the food is always delicious. Just two weeks ago we were there for free pancakes when the server suggested we make a reservation for Easter. We arrived this morning to find many people enjoying the sunshine... and waiting. Then we were given a long, roundabout  response that basically said our reservation meant nothing and they don't really use them other than to make a good guess at how much food to prep. What?! With two very hungry children, on the precipice of temper-land, we walked right next door to Einstein's Bagel. No wait, all the seating you could want, delicious food. Good decision!

We then piled into the car and headed out to Kitty's house where Gracie did an egg-celent job of being the cool, older, loving, cousin. She hid eggs, she played with bubbles, she showed the girls her room, she played music and they danced, she chased them....I took a nap. Matt did some work. We talked with Conor. We had grown up conversation with Aunt Kitty! Amazing. :-) And dinner was awesome.

Now, the girls are asleep, the house is semi-clean, lunches are packed, clothes have been laid out and the night shift for homework/classwork has begun. We are very blessed.


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