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Showing posts from August, 2011

Saying Grace

Saying grace before a meal is our way of being vocal about the blessings on the table. Sometimes it's quick in our haste to pick up a fork. Other times it is long and ceremonial around a holiday. Most days it's usually Matt telling God on our behalf how thankful we are. Tonight was different. We still sat down. We still held hands. We still bowed our heads. But this evening before Matt or I could utter a word, Cassidy took it upon herself because she felt it was her turn. "Dear God, thank you for our food in this meal and our many blessings. AAAAAmmeeen! Yay!" It was the most adorable and sincere thing...

DIY- Bookshelf

Matt and his Dad (John Smith) put a small bookshelf together to house all of the books Matt uses as he writes. Because my hubby is mostly ambivalent about trivial aesthetics, I got to paint it however I wanted! I choose to use several colors, creating a vintage look :-) Cassidy assisted and most of her painting is on the back and sides of the shelf.