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Showing posts from November, 2019

Iceland 2019

Part three: Iceland Iceland has never been on my list. I do not like being cold. At all. It has been on Matt's list. Our flight home included a stop over in Keflavic, Iceland. We extended the stop over to 6 hours and headed out of the airport into a country that was beautiful beyond words. I can't wait to return! We only drive around a small peninsula. We hiked a volcano. We climbed to a lighthouse where it was super windy but worth the view! We ate lunch on a black sand beach near some cliffs. The Atlantic ocean was viewable everywhere! We saw the famed Blue Lagoon and hiked the rugged, undeveloped parts of it.  We walked on the lines of tectonic plates! Amazing...

Denmark 2019

Part two! Denmark Copenhagen has always been on my bucket list. It has never risen very far because it is a super expensive place to visit. This was the perfect opportunity to go! It's gorgeous and the people are friendly. Easy to get around. We got the Copenhagen Card, which gets you into almost every single museum, and attraction and let's you ride ALL the transit. Just flash the card and you can ride all the buses, trains, and metro. I ended up taking a train back to the airport to pick up Matt and the girls- it was so convenient! Our hotel had breakfast included- a full breakfast that would last 3 hours...we literally would just sit and talk, talk to people around us, try whatever freshness was coming out of the oven next, sample all of the breakfast ever at the Scandic! It was a happy ending to a fraught beginning. The apt in Finland was perfect! The apt in Copenhagen was not. The building was the last one in the neighborhood to undergo renovation, one ha