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Showing posts from October, 2014

Halloween at Discovery

After being in class all day, I somehow still had energy to take the girls to the discovery museum! They are flamenco dancers this year. We were watching dance videos on youtube one day about a month ago, and came across a five year old is Spain who was dancing in front of a crowd of thousands. Cassidy immediately requested to be a dancer for Halloween. Which I fully support! The costume hunt was on. We picked up a 3xl shirt at Savers and turned that into her skirt, some flowers from Michaels, and some hair clips from JoAnnes.  Some hot glue and hand me down tap shoes resulted in a flamenco dancer. Then we watched guitar lessons and I think I may have actually picked up a few chords to strum!! Can't really tell if I am doing it right, but it sounds right. So the girls dance and I play and fun is had by all!

Happy Birthday Savvy!

Our sweet baby is 2 years old today. She is 35 inches tall and 19lbs. She has almost all of her teeth! She can climb stairs alone, throw a ball, color with markers, crayons and pencils, put puzzles together, and loves minnie mouse. She speaks in real sentences, stringing 4 to 5 words together and expressing complex ideas quite eloquently. One of her favorite books is called Baby's First 100 words. She knows all the words, pictures, and appropriate sounds. She still takes a nap- thank goodness. And loves to follow her "sissy" around. But she also can play on her own for about 20 minutes at a time. She is a source of constant joy and boundless love all squeezed into one bright and beautiful package. This weekend was a big one! My parents came to visit. Karl has never been here. A fear of flying once prevented him from traveling much. But they retired this past summer and he started flying more to see his family in Michigan too. And we finally got him to see us! Yup, guilt