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Happy Birthday Savvy!

Our sweet baby is 2 years old today. She is 35 inches tall and 19lbs. She has almost all of her teeth! She can climb stairs alone, throw a ball, color with markers, crayons and pencils, put puzzles together, and loves minnie mouse. She speaks in real sentences, stringing 4 to 5 words together and expressing complex ideas quite eloquently. One of her favorite books is called Baby's First 100 words. She knows all the words, pictures, and appropriate sounds. She still takes a nap- thank goodness. And loves to follow her "sissy" around. But she also can play on her own for about 20 minutes at a time. She is a source of constant joy and boundless love all squeezed into one bright and beautiful package.

This weekend was a big one! My parents came to visit. Karl has never been here. A fear of flying once prevented him from traveling much. But they retired this past summer and he started flying more to see his family in Michigan too. And we finally got him to see us! Yup, guilt trips are not beneath me, especially when he has flown several times now since July and Reno is so easy to get to from Las Vegas!

They got in early Friday morning. Part of the trip's purpose was to fill us in on some pretty important information. Without going into too much detail, it looks like he'll be having surgery again and they recently completed their living wills and info. So Friday had some pretty heavy conversations. Prayers for health and a speedy recovery are much appreciated!

My super supportive supervisor allowed me to take off midday. I met the fam on campus where we hit up the bookstore for wolfpack gear and ate lunch. After picking up Cass and dinner, we went to the homecoming parade. By helping GSA string up barriers, we got free shirts! And a front row view of the parade. Yay for volunteering :-)  We did not march to the arch, because hello, my parents are getting old and walking at this elevation was starting to take a toll. Plus the kids are young and were tired, but not yet grumpy. So it was perfect timing to head home.

On Saturday we went up to Tahoe. They LOVEd it. I think that alone may have sold them on potentially moving here. Mom did not like the drive too much, which I completely understand. It is a winding road, up very steep hills overlooking mammoth drops into an abyss of trees and dirt. But if you look up, the view is worth it! She kept her eyes closed on the way down.

Once we got off the mountain and had family nap time, we headed to the alumni tailgate at Legacy Hall. Ooowee! Now see, we usually go to student tailgates where the fare may consist of a burnt hot dog and some lukewarm soda. And a costco cookie. This tailgate had tri-tip, garlic mashed potatoes, chipotle slaw, pie, cookies, drinks- all you can eat! In a cool building. At a real table. No folks, we weren't sitting on the hot asphalt. We were spoiled!! I don't think I can go back. I am pretty sure anytime we go to a home game, from this moment forward, we'll be constant fixtures at the alumni tailgate.  And if we buy lifetime memberships, entry is free! I do believe we will wait till I am out of grad school and have a full time job before we make that investment, but it is a definite goal on the horizon!

We were playing Boise for the game. I don't know how I missed buying tickets before they were sold out- must have had something related to school or one of my jobs or the kids or the house on my mind! Did I mention we bought a house? More to come on that little gem later.  Anyway, I did sign up for the last chance lottery. Even got the phone call! Buy I missed that call while at work. The next day I called and what luck! They had 4 tix in great seats, close to the 50 yard line. Perfect! Matt, Cass and my parents went to the game. I took Savvy home. There is just no way she would have lasted the first 10 minutes of the game. It started at 7:30p, she was asleep by 8p. And I thought it was going to be televised. We have basic TV- no cable. Just a trusty antenna and converter box. We get all the local channels. And the game was on none of them! I just do not understand our local media...Oh well. Antiques Roadshow was on- thanks PBS!

Then we come to today. The actual birthday. We took my parents to the kids service at church. It is so fun! And usually a little rowdy. Today was no exception. It is the day of the Patron Saint Francis of Assisi, patron saint of animals. It is the one day of the year when people bring their pets, dogs, cats, hamsters, you name it, to church for a special blessing and service. Today was LOUD. and quite entertaining! After the service we provided the snacks, funfetti birthday cupcakes, hot dogs, fruit, and muffins.

Then we had a mini impromptu party at the park. The weather has been gorgeous! It was bright and sunny out, so we ordered pizza and snacks and let the kids run around. All in all, a brilliant weekend! I am now realizing I did not do any homework....Not one page of anything has been read. So I think I may spend a couple hours on that later tonight when the kids get to sleep. But, it was time well spent with my family  :-)


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