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Showing posts from March, 2014

Camp Galilee

When Matt and I worked in reslife, we used to take RHA folks up here to Camp Galilee. Now that the girls are older, we can start coming up here for fun! Our church, Trinity Episcopal, owns and runs Camp Galilee. It's a great revenue generator. All kinds of camps come through. And they also host camps. This year we will try to attend family camp over Labor Day Weekend. When Cass turns seven she'll get to come backpacking all on her own! Though really, she could probably handle it just fine now :-) Tonight, there was a potluck dinner up at camp. Folks from all the Episcopal churches in Northern Nevada came up. It was snowing and a bit cold, but beautiful as only Tahoe can be.

Warm enough to hike!

Our weather is confused. Monday it's snowing. Tuesday there is rain. Wednesday it is 70 degrees out and sunny. Thursday it drops to 23 degrees with strong wind advisories. Good grief! No wonder we keep getting sick. On the plus side, we have been able to get outside quite a bit! And we haven't gotten stuck in the snow this season- so really it's ok :-) On this hike we visited with a hawk or falcon. Not close enough to tell, but close enough to see how big it was! Thanks to the Vancour/Peeks for letting us borrow your backpack! We have a book that lists the top hikes in our area. We've done maybe 10 of the hikes listed. We're really looking forward to hittin' some trails this summer and going camping.  If you have favorite spots, please share! We were real hungry by the end! Can you spot the hawk? We did not hike to the N this trip. Just took the nature trail. Cassidy's response to this tree was classic! She could not g