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Showing posts from July, 2022

The Beach = Happy Place

Playing in water and napping on the sand continues to be where we find happy ☺️ A quick weekend, we drove just over 2 hours to CT. The Surfside hotel was super cute! Savvy and I joined their yoga session Saturday morning and she did a really good job. It was one full hour and the sun was HOT. A brief sad moment when I thought I was making a good decision letting Cass sleep in....turns out she really wanted to do the class too. Big, fat tears were sliding down her face at breakfast because she felt left out. So, I took her outside to where the instructor was still there, and she was kind enough to spend some time with us on a few different breaths. Did not fully soothe the feelings, but definitely brought some peace. Matt introduced the kids to The Sandlot. That movie continues to be good! No one joined me at 5:15a for the sunrise, but I took a few pics to show them. We spent a morning in Mystic. Home of the pizza place, tho the movie itself was filmed elsewhere. The aquarium was cute.

Acadia National Park

  To celebrate summer and my one year workaversary, we hit the road! 8 hours later we set up camp at Mount Desert. Probably could have gotten here sooner, but we indulged in a few side trips. You know it's going to be a good road trip when this shows up on your pandora station... lol We started driving around 4am with plans for the kids to sleep till at least 7am before stopping for breakfast. Except they did not. They sang and failed to whisper. And usually when they are sleep deprived, they are cranky, but they must have been excited about the adventure because they were quite a delight the whole day! Breakfast en route. L L Bean flagship store is really cool to see. Quick stop at Orchard Beach to stretch before continuing the last 3 hours of the drive... Bar Island is accessible by a sand bar twice a day as the tides flow in and out. There were milkweeds, deer, and a beautiful view.  Our first time sleeping on a platform. Sooooo nice to not worry about the rain. Steak tacos gril