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Showing posts from September, 2022

How is it almost October?

 If you look up the phrase necessary evil I am most certain there will be a tiktok about facebook. And right under it will be an Amazon instagram post. Several months ago my screentime reports were high for me. And I needed a break from scrolling and updates and tags and comments. I just stopped checking. Like a mini detox, the urge to check my phone slowly ebbed away, making room and space for other things. Being more present became a reality, not just a pinterest meme. I missed it though. There are friends and family who I am only connected to through status updates and photos. I love them dearly and feel very disconnected from what is happening in their lives. Living where we live, news about road closures and construction, school activities and parent groups, schedule changes, business hours!, are all on facebook. It is THE communication tool out here. My news and info intake is not what it was. There is such convenience in accessing multiple outlets whenever the mood strikes inste