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Showing posts from January, 2014

Happy Anniversary!

8 years of BFFs 6 years of wedded bliss 5 different moves 4 pregnancies 3 city changes 2 beautiful little girls 1 brilliant ridiculous laugh out loud life.... And the love keeps growing.....Happy Anniversary!

When a swimsuit is more than a swimsuit

We love the water in our family. When people ask us what to get Cassidy for a gift, we say swim lessons! (thank you Aunt Rene, Uncle Mark, and Grandma and Grandpa Smith) It's a safety must for our girls to know how to swim. And a bonus that we really enjoy the outdoors and anything water related. The very first time I bought a swimsuit for Cass, Matt and I had a slight kerfuffle over two pieces versus one-piece swimsuits. I didn't quite understand his over-protective stance and he was baffled by my lack of concern. She was just a baby. She looked absolutely adorable in everything. What was the big deal? Round and round we went until finally I gave in to his moratorium on two pieces. Not because I fully understood, but because it was exhausting going round and round and the suit I was going to get for Cass was no longer on sale!  I think Lake Tahoe was her first real encounter with water. We had a grand time, splashing around, playing in the sand, and doing all those t

Savvy's Spoon

Savvy can use spoon! And has been using utensils for about a month actually. I just got around to capturing her new skills! She prefers to feed herself, even if the food is mostly on the floor or her person. I can only help if we each have a spoon. And she is quite particular about bibs. No plastic for this girl, cloth all the way.  And no pockets. Keep it simple. She currently has 9 teeth. She is eating whatever we allow her to! One of her favorites is a frozen veggie lasagna dinner from Trader Joes. Whole grain pasta and lots of different veggies. She also loves bananas, pears, carrots, sweet potatoes, apples, sliced turkey deli meat, cookies and graham crackers ;-) Sunday Savvy will be 15 months old. Our baby is officially a toddler. Whoa.