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Showing posts from August, 2013

A Decorating Challenge

A positive thing about moving is the opportunity to purge and clean. Moving back to Nevada, we got rid of quite a bit! The stuff we kept is in storage for now until we figure out where we will be living. Our friends the Richmers, who we consider family, are graciously housing us, feeding us, providing us with a car and helping watch the girls. Amazing, right? We can't say thank you enough for it is with their assistance this transition has been doable. And a shout out to the Wilmarth Tyna family for housing Matt while he wraps things up in Chicago! Once again, can't say thank you enough. As we figure out where our next home will be, I have decided to challenge myself to fill in the gaps of our furniture with completely used items. Garage sales and craigslist have become bastions of opportunity while resale shops and consignment stores are hang out spots more than they were before. And y'all know I was already doing most of our shopping there anyway! The money we'll sa

Savvy Smith- 10 Months Old

Savvy is so close to being a year old she has decided to act like it apparently.  This girl can climb stairs! Found that out yesterday when  returned from some photo-taking escapades and Matt said, "Guess who can climb stairs?" Sheesh! Savvy is a wonder. She loves to pull herself up and walk around, holding on to the nearest person, place or thing. Her babbling is playful and at times demanding. Girl knows what she wants! I could listen to her fits of giggles all day. She adores her big sister, following her around at every opportunity. Savannah has two teeth on the bottom, two more struggling to make an appearance on top, and a third towards the back that can't decide if it wants to come out or not. She loves her food! We make 96% of it. I'm still nursing and pumping. We love Auntie Ellie's gift of the baby bullet! Its size makes for easy cleanup than using our food processor or blender. The 4% we don't make happens when I want to try a new flavor without coo