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Showing posts from November, 2012

And so begins the holiday season...

Today Macy's held their third and final family event of the season. Which was odd to me since technically the season is only just beginning. Maybe they will be too busy with holiday shoppers to continue to have events? Anyway, the author of Elf on the Shelf read the story and then did a signing. Cassy really liked hearing the story. We did not purchase the book, but we did have fun! The line for Santa was ridiculous. But there was no waiting to write him a letter and send it to the north pole. I asked Cassidy what she wanted to share with Santa and she said she wanted to write him a Happy Birthday card. Did you know his birthday is next week on Thanksgiving? I sure didn't! But Cass did. After she drew a picture we went for a donut. 

Savannah Smiles

We are in the midst of week 5 and Savannah smiled yesterday! It took my breath away. She smiled a few times today. Yes, that is double-stick tape holding her bow in place- no judgement :-) Savvy now weighs 10lbs! and is 21 inches long. She is cooing and goo-gooing. She started noticing her hands two weeks ago. She hasn't found her toes yet. And she is tracking objects and turning her whole head. Warning: Social opinions to follow. Exit now if you only came for the pictures! My little social commentary for the day- her social security card came in the mail. America officially recognizes my child as a citizen.  She didn't have to take a test on the history of the country. She didn't have to do community service or work. All she had to do was be born here to get the magical all access pass to privilege. There was a time when we wanted, pleaded for people to come here and find their dreams. Aside from the people who actually lived here first,