Sweet corn on the cob it has been a week! Makes for an especially long blogpost, but first...
Mini-rant: We have laptops, wifi, arts&crafts, headphones, snacks, dogs, a backyard, a front yard, neighborhood kids, supportive work from home situations, health insurance, and no gaps in pay. And this week was hard. I can't imagine the hurt, the trauma, the losses others in our community and all over are experiencing right now. Our little family has been reminded once again of the work that we need to continue to fight disparities, lift up equity, and above all else, show love to our neighbors. The idea that one can be a-political is so steeped in privilege and denial, it's cruel. I'm hoping that others feel called to act more than ever as this pandemic continues to expose our lack of humanity on a global stage. Call your senators, write your legislators, and good gravy, please vote!! Thank you for coming to my TED Talk....
Team Smith Surprise Home School has been quite the adventure!
We have talked at different times over the years about homeschooling. We even started planning a 5 month roadtrip driving all over the country for the summer before Cass starts high school and Savannah starts middle school. This crisis we find ourselves in gave us the motivation to sit and chat about what learning would like in our home if homeschooling was an option. Aside from being everything closed (no fun field trips), I think we genuinely enjoyed building a schedule last weekend. It also provided a modicum of control in a world where it feels like we have none.
Especially at work. OOwee, I won't get into the struggle I have felt at my job, we don't need to delve into that kind of negativity. Matt has been loving the job he started in August and while difficult, he feels like he is making a difference in the now, managing resources and relationships to support k-12 youth who are homeless/underhoused. It is inspiring to watch.
Our kids crave structure, and we need structure to be able to do work. Creating a routine, and having flexibility within it, was key in our week going well. We did a full schedule for Monday-Friday. We scheduled NOTHING for the weekend. We'll see how that goes (LOL).
7am- Quiet Parent Time
Kids are allowed to use the bathroom, but they have to stay in their rooms. And be quiet. Our kids always wake up before 7am. They don't sleep in. And they are high energy from the moment they wake up, till the moment they crash at night. Having 30 minutes of quiet time in the house has been a beautiful way to get our grown up selves together for the day.
7:30am- Wake Up
Every day this week, when the clock said 7:30, our kids busted out of their rooms and found us somewhere. Usually they would find me on the couch and they would come snuggle, talk a bit.
8am- Breakfast and Getting dressed
By 8am, if they haven't already, they need to eat breakfast and get dressed. At the beginning of the week they wore the Team Smith uniform (some of y'all recall this uniform from previous school years) Then as the week went on, they told us what the dress up day was. We did hair- their curls demand daily attention to prevent breakage and encourage growth and wellness.
8:30am- Chores
The kids are pretty good at basic chores. Laundry, dishes, making beds, wiping down handles and counters, vacuuming, sweeping, feeding the dogs. Matt and I walk the dogs, thank goodness for the sunshine this week!
9am- School starts!! We set timers/bells on our phones throughout the day to help with transition times. I read online of families using Alexa or Google home and thought that was brilliant!
9am-we began each day in a prayer/meditation/self-empowerment/gratitude/mindfullness type of activity or reading. We also reviewed our family agreements. Everyone contributed to the family agreements and we referred back to them all week, anytime a conflict, whine, or tantrum was brewing to squash it.
They are: Show Love, Work Together, Be Kind to Others, Share, Listen Carefully, Be Reliable, Follow Directions, Be Respectful, Be Safe, Mistakes are OK, Follow Expectations, Don't Argue, Be Flexible, Wash Your Hands and Moisturize, Be Honest, Be Patient, Be Helpful, Consent, Try Your Best, Be Forgiving, Learn From Each Other, Be Responsible, Be Calm, No Whining
9:30am- Recess 1
Again, the sun has been out and our neighborhood is great for playing outside. Our home is in a small cul de sac and there are kids the girls' ages. They rode bikes, played four square, etc. When it starts raining next week, we'll do recess in doors.
10am- Snack 1
The girls each pick out snack options for fruit/veg and carb/protein.
10:30am- Math
We're using Khan Academy. It has been awesome. The girls each use our personal laptops and headphones. They sit side by side at the dining room table. Khan Academy is so customizable. It has been awesome. They get really excited everytime they level up.
11am- Reading
The girls pick whatever they want to read and do it in their rooms.
11:30am- Lunch
For the most part, they make their own lunch. We give them options that they pick from. Then they are expected to clean, wash dishes, wipe down counters, etc.
12pm- Recess 2
12:30pm- Science
The girls love Mystery Science. They go to the website (https://mysteryscience.com/) and pick out their own science lesson. Whatever they are excited about. And then show and tell with us later. As the weeks go by, we'll fold in science projects and experiments. For now, this online tool suits our needs perfectly! Today our friend Heather led them in a science unit in google hangouts. It was great!
1pm- Arts & Crafts
Last weekend I used all the coupons and stocked up at Michaels. We have a random supply of things they can make, paint, create. We also folded in some of the FB live events by children's authors and they loved following along to draw. And, we like arthub for learning how to draw too. Our work obligations dictated what we picked. If it's online, we start them and they go. If it's hands-on, they need a little more supervision and guidance. So if we both had work mtgs, the girls were definitely online!
1:30pm- Music
Thanks to Matt's background and experiences and education, this is one of the easier units. In school, the girls get 30 minutes of music once a week. In our lil homeschool it's 30 minutes a day. We have a music room off our garage with a piano, drums, Matt's clarinet that no one is allowed to touch, a box full of instruments like maracas, a recorder and a guitar. Matt also set the girls up on Chrome Music Lab (https://musiclab.chromeexperiments.com/) and they get to make their own music! Finally, thank goodness for friends. This week, our friend Kyle led the girls in a drum lesson and I have never seen Savvy so excited.
2pm- Recess 3
2:30pm- Snack 2
3pm- Home Ec/Life Skills
I liked home ec in middle school and always wished it was more practical, more than just baking cookies. We are looking at home ownership, financial management, basic first aid, car maintenance, and any other life skill in addition to baking. This week they put in a peep hole in our front door at their height, they helped install security cameras around the house, they helped change out air filters (which this lil hvac lesson was their favorite!) they learned about knife skills and cutting boards, etc.
3:30pm- Culture
Culture is learning about people and things different from us and learning about ourselves. It is wide open for interpretation. We are reading "Show me Who You Are", watching the authors' ted talk, talking about the history of race and whiteness, exploring other religions and holidays, touring museums online (they learned all about 12th century fashion and were so enthralled they kept going through free time) and whatever else comes to our imagination. I'm excited for next week- my childhood bestie Ellie is going to talk with them about being Asian American, how her parents immigrated from Cambodia, and show some pictures from her world travels.
4pm- Free Time
School is over at 4! The girls get free time to do whatever they want. This week they have gone between going back outside, watching a show, and going back to finish something from homeschool.
5pm- Chores
Usually cleaning up from the day, taking care of the dogs, wrapping up chores from the morning like laundry.
5:30pm- Dinner
We usually plan our dinners out a week in advance and have continued. We aren't feeling the need to panic shop and plan out meals for weeks on end.
6pm- More free time
Code for, we have seen each other all day- let's breathe apart from each other!
7pm- Family time
We play a game or read together. Or come up with ideas for homeschool. We talk and process everything that is going on, them missing their friends and teachers, We call family and friends and say hi.
7:30pm- Jeopardy
Our family is so serious about Alex. We try not to miss a show.
8pm- Get ready for bed
The girls have been alternating daily on bath/showers.
8:30pm- Bedtime for the girls (And sometimes for us!)
The family agreements help us, but so does bribery! We have a puzzle taped to our board. It's 50 pieces. At the end of the day, if it's gone really well, they pull two pieces down. If it's gone ok but we could do better, they pull one piece. If it went off the rails, they pull no pieces. So far, 4 days they pulled 2, 1 day they pulled 1. Behind the puzzle is a message about how they did a great job. Once that message is fully unveiled, we have committed to buying them their own technology. We are going back and forth between a chrome book because that's what they use at school and a tablet because they are cheaper and easier to cart around on road trips. It will probably come down to budget, though we are saving a bit from not driving and canceling our spring break trip.
There are so many online resources, it is overwhelming. I have a google doc of the ones we are using and will happily share with anyone who is interested. We also track our week using google sheets, it's like excel but we both edit in real time because it's cloudbased. I am happy to share those as well if it is helpful to anyone.
The best resource we have is each other. I am excited about the girls getting to know family and friends even better through their willingness to teach a lesson with them! Matt and I are both so grateful for this village of people who have reached out to extend help and share pieces of themselves, and also help us with our homeschooling in the process!! I love that we are using online communities to support each other and share what works for our families and what doesn't. And all of these people, artists, musicians, actors, authors, experts, who are doing free, live events, bringing people together, sharing their passion. I hope this continues long after the crisis.
This is not easy, it's a lot of work and thought. It is also a lot of fun and I love how we can go deep into something, or not, and not be beholden to standardized tests. I also like being home, grabbing a hug, seeing them light up when they learn something. I don't even mind when they interrupt my zoom work meetings, it's fun sharing with them what I do and who I work with.
All in all, we don't know what we're doing, and we are enjoying the adventure of trial, error, and creativity. It wouldn't feel this way if we didn't have the privileges we do. No job or health is guaranteed and we don't take it for granted. I also think it wouldn't work if we didn't work as a team, so shout out to Matt Smith for continuing to be the kind of parent and partner he said he would be <3 nbsp="" p="">
I hope y'all are well! And if you're not, we are here and want to help in any way we can-don't hesitate to reach out! Here are some pics from the week. Please excuse me as I prepare for the weekend where I don't plan to plan a thing except which book I want to read for fun. Don't ask me where my kids are or what they are doing, I won't know!
Much love to you all!
Mini-rant: We have laptops, wifi, arts&crafts, headphones, snacks, dogs, a backyard, a front yard, neighborhood kids, supportive work from home situations, health insurance, and no gaps in pay. And this week was hard. I can't imagine the hurt, the trauma, the losses others in our community and all over are experiencing right now. Our little family has been reminded once again of the work that we need to continue to fight disparities, lift up equity, and above all else, show love to our neighbors. The idea that one can be a-political is so steeped in privilege and denial, it's cruel. I'm hoping that others feel called to act more than ever as this pandemic continues to expose our lack of humanity on a global stage. Call your senators, write your legislators, and good gravy, please vote!! Thank you for coming to my TED Talk....
Team Smith Surprise Home School has been quite the adventure!
We have talked at different times over the years about homeschooling. We even started planning a 5 month roadtrip driving all over the country for the summer before Cass starts high school and Savannah starts middle school. This crisis we find ourselves in gave us the motivation to sit and chat about what learning would like in our home if homeschooling was an option. Aside from being everything closed (no fun field trips), I think we genuinely enjoyed building a schedule last weekend. It also provided a modicum of control in a world where it feels like we have none.
Especially at work. OOwee, I won't get into the struggle I have felt at my job, we don't need to delve into that kind of negativity. Matt has been loving the job he started in August and while difficult, he feels like he is making a difference in the now, managing resources and relationships to support k-12 youth who are homeless/underhoused. It is inspiring to watch.
Our kids crave structure, and we need structure to be able to do work. Creating a routine, and having flexibility within it, was key in our week going well. We did a full schedule for Monday-Friday. We scheduled NOTHING for the weekend. We'll see how that goes (LOL).
7am- Quiet Parent Time
Kids are allowed to use the bathroom, but they have to stay in their rooms. And be quiet. Our kids always wake up before 7am. They don't sleep in. And they are high energy from the moment they wake up, till the moment they crash at night. Having 30 minutes of quiet time in the house has been a beautiful way to get our grown up selves together for the day.
7:30am- Wake Up
Every day this week, when the clock said 7:30, our kids busted out of their rooms and found us somewhere. Usually they would find me on the couch and they would come snuggle, talk a bit.
8am- Breakfast and Getting dressed
By 8am, if they haven't already, they need to eat breakfast and get dressed. At the beginning of the week they wore the Team Smith uniform (some of y'all recall this uniform from previous school years) Then as the week went on, they told us what the dress up day was. We did hair- their curls demand daily attention to prevent breakage and encourage growth and wellness.
8:30am- Chores
The kids are pretty good at basic chores. Laundry, dishes, making beds, wiping down handles and counters, vacuuming, sweeping, feeding the dogs. Matt and I walk the dogs, thank goodness for the sunshine this week!
9am- School starts!! We set timers/bells on our phones throughout the day to help with transition times. I read online of families using Alexa or Google home and thought that was brilliant!
9am-we began each day in a prayer/meditation/self-empowerment/gratitude/mindfullness type of activity or reading. We also reviewed our family agreements. Everyone contributed to the family agreements and we referred back to them all week, anytime a conflict, whine, or tantrum was brewing to squash it.
They are: Show Love, Work Together, Be Kind to Others, Share, Listen Carefully, Be Reliable, Follow Directions, Be Respectful, Be Safe, Mistakes are OK, Follow Expectations, Don't Argue, Be Flexible, Wash Your Hands and Moisturize, Be Honest, Be Patient, Be Helpful, Consent, Try Your Best, Be Forgiving, Learn From Each Other, Be Responsible, Be Calm, No Whining
9:30am- Recess 1
Again, the sun has been out and our neighborhood is great for playing outside. Our home is in a small cul de sac and there are kids the girls' ages. They rode bikes, played four square, etc. When it starts raining next week, we'll do recess in doors.
10am- Snack 1
The girls each pick out snack options for fruit/veg and carb/protein.
10:30am- Math
We're using Khan Academy. It has been awesome. The girls each use our personal laptops and headphones. They sit side by side at the dining room table. Khan Academy is so customizable. It has been awesome. They get really excited everytime they level up.
11am- Reading
The girls pick whatever they want to read and do it in their rooms.
11:30am- Lunch
For the most part, they make their own lunch. We give them options that they pick from. Then they are expected to clean, wash dishes, wipe down counters, etc.
12pm- Recess 2
12:30pm- Science
The girls love Mystery Science. They go to the website (https://mysteryscience.com/) and pick out their own science lesson. Whatever they are excited about. And then show and tell with us later. As the weeks go by, we'll fold in science projects and experiments. For now, this online tool suits our needs perfectly! Today our friend Heather led them in a science unit in google hangouts. It was great!
1pm- Arts & Crafts
Last weekend I used all the coupons and stocked up at Michaels. We have a random supply of things they can make, paint, create. We also folded in some of the FB live events by children's authors and they loved following along to draw. And, we like arthub for learning how to draw too. Our work obligations dictated what we picked. If it's online, we start them and they go. If it's hands-on, they need a little more supervision and guidance. So if we both had work mtgs, the girls were definitely online!
1:30pm- Music
Thanks to Matt's background and experiences and education, this is one of the easier units. In school, the girls get 30 minutes of music once a week. In our lil homeschool it's 30 minutes a day. We have a music room off our garage with a piano, drums, Matt's clarinet that no one is allowed to touch, a box full of instruments like maracas, a recorder and a guitar. Matt also set the girls up on Chrome Music Lab (https://musiclab.chromeexperiments.com/) and they get to make their own music! Finally, thank goodness for friends. This week, our friend Kyle led the girls in a drum lesson and I have never seen Savvy so excited.
2pm- Recess 3
2:30pm- Snack 2
3pm- Home Ec/Life Skills
I liked home ec in middle school and always wished it was more practical, more than just baking cookies. We are looking at home ownership, financial management, basic first aid, car maintenance, and any other life skill in addition to baking. This week they put in a peep hole in our front door at their height, they helped install security cameras around the house, they helped change out air filters (which this lil hvac lesson was their favorite!) they learned about knife skills and cutting boards, etc.
3:30pm- Culture
Culture is learning about people and things different from us and learning about ourselves. It is wide open for interpretation. We are reading "Show me Who You Are", watching the authors' ted talk, talking about the history of race and whiteness, exploring other religions and holidays, touring museums online (they learned all about 12th century fashion and were so enthralled they kept going through free time) and whatever else comes to our imagination. I'm excited for next week- my childhood bestie Ellie is going to talk with them about being Asian American, how her parents immigrated from Cambodia, and show some pictures from her world travels.
4pm- Free Time
School is over at 4! The girls get free time to do whatever they want. This week they have gone between going back outside, watching a show, and going back to finish something from homeschool.
5pm- Chores
Usually cleaning up from the day, taking care of the dogs, wrapping up chores from the morning like laundry.
5:30pm- Dinner
We usually plan our dinners out a week in advance and have continued. We aren't feeling the need to panic shop and plan out meals for weeks on end.
6pm- More free time
Code for, we have seen each other all day- let's breathe apart from each other!
7pm- Family time
We play a game or read together. Or come up with ideas for homeschool. We talk and process everything that is going on, them missing their friends and teachers, We call family and friends and say hi.
7:30pm- Jeopardy
Our family is so serious about Alex. We try not to miss a show.
8pm- Get ready for bed
The girls have been alternating daily on bath/showers.
8:30pm- Bedtime for the girls (And sometimes for us!)
The family agreements help us, but so does bribery! We have a puzzle taped to our board. It's 50 pieces. At the end of the day, if it's gone really well, they pull two pieces down. If it's gone ok but we could do better, they pull one piece. If it went off the rails, they pull no pieces. So far, 4 days they pulled 2, 1 day they pulled 1. Behind the puzzle is a message about how they did a great job. Once that message is fully unveiled, we have committed to buying them their own technology. We are going back and forth between a chrome book because that's what they use at school and a tablet because they are cheaper and easier to cart around on road trips. It will probably come down to budget, though we are saving a bit from not driving and canceling our spring break trip.
There are so many online resources, it is overwhelming. I have a google doc of the ones we are using and will happily share with anyone who is interested. We also track our week using google sheets, it's like excel but we both edit in real time because it's cloudbased. I am happy to share those as well if it is helpful to anyone.
The best resource we have is each other. I am excited about the girls getting to know family and friends even better through their willingness to teach a lesson with them! Matt and I are both so grateful for this village of people who have reached out to extend help and share pieces of themselves, and also help us with our homeschooling in the process!! I love that we are using online communities to support each other and share what works for our families and what doesn't. And all of these people, artists, musicians, actors, authors, experts, who are doing free, live events, bringing people together, sharing their passion. I hope this continues long after the crisis.
This is not easy, it's a lot of work and thought. It is also a lot of fun and I love how we can go deep into something, or not, and not be beholden to standardized tests. I also like being home, grabbing a hug, seeing them light up when they learn something. I don't even mind when they interrupt my zoom work meetings, it's fun sharing with them what I do and who I work with.
All in all, we don't know what we're doing, and we are enjoying the adventure of trial, error, and creativity. It wouldn't feel this way if we didn't have the privileges we do. No job or health is guaranteed and we don't take it for granted. I also think it wouldn't work if we didn't work as a team, so shout out to Matt Smith for continuing to be the kind of parent and partner he said he would be <3 nbsp="" p="">
I hope y'all are well! And if you're not, we are here and want to help in any way we can-don't hesitate to reach out! Here are some pics from the week. Please excuse me as I prepare for the weekend where I don't plan to plan a thing except which book I want to read for fun. Don't ask me where my kids are or what they are doing, I won't know!
Much love to you all!
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We had some tears over a math problem! 10 minutes later, there smiles as she passed it and leveled up. |
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