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Quick Trip to the ER

Just clear to things up, yes we went to the ER last Friday. And everyone is happy and healthy again!

Sorry if you have heard tidbits and were confused or worried.

I woke up at 5:40am with breath stopping pain above my stomach. But I felt the baby moving so I wasn't worried about him/her. I asked Matt to brew some tea. As he was in the kitchen I suddenly started throwing up bile. Which tastes gross and smells even worse. So he started freaking out which started me freaking out and we called our midwife. I love that I can call her at any time of day!

Midwife Mary, who is also a Nurse Practitioner, said if it continued I needed to go the ER and if it stopped I needed to come in and see her at some point that day. So I crawled, was half carried by Matt, to the couch and just tried to catch my breath. I started feeling better. Now I'm thinking maybe I just ate something weird the day before? Cass gets up and Matt gets her dressed. Then dropped her off at daycare super early. Now we began the discussion of what to do next.

Me: I don't want to go to the ER for no reason. I'd rather stay at home on the comfy couch and watch trashy tv via netflix and drink tea and broth all day. Running it down, no contractions, no vaginal bleeding, baby is moving, I feel better.

Matt: You are ridiculous and need to be seen by someone.

Me: I'll go see the midwife later. (By this time I have called her back to say I'm feeling better and she has said that she will call me back once the office actually opens to see what time I can come in)

Matt: You can't drive by yourself.

Me: Why not?

Matt: What if you pass out or get worse?

Me: Good point.

Then we think for a minute. Solution! Matt calls Laura who offers to be my back up for the day if I need a ride. Thank you!!

Matt: I already called work and said I'd be late. I still think we should go to the ER.

And just as I'm about to say that an ER trip is not necessary, the pain comes back and renders me speechless.

Me: Can you put my shoes on please?

By this time Mary thinks it could be my gallbladder. Who knew that it is super common for preggo peeps to be assaulted by their own gallbladder? I didn't. So that would mean my very first surgery! Well that's kind of scary. Though I'm sure surgery is performed all the time on pregnant women.

We get to the ER and while it is not as fancy as the new facility two minutes down the street, the people are so much more competent and nicer! It only took us 12 minutes speeding down 294 to get there. It's in Oak Park. Another suburb that is usually 30 minutes or so away. Because I switched doctors, I also switched hospitals.

Well, the fastest way to be seen at the ER is to limp in pain, being supported by someone else and say the words, "I'm 19 weeks pregnant..." You don't even have to finish that statement before you are whisked away! Or in my case, rolled away in a wheelchair. Throughout this ordeal. Matt is making me laugh, genuinely cracking me up. Which is awful because it hurts even more to laugh, but wonderful because it's kind of distracting. Just stupid silly things he makes comments on are cracking me up! I can't even remember what was so funny. Oh wait, I do remember one thing.

One of the nurses was filling out paperwork, asking obligatory questions, when she asks, "What's your medical history?" I looked at him and he looked at me and I had no idea what to say. I asked her to repeat the question and she asks the exact same thing! So I started with, "Well, I was born in February in Denver, Co...and I think I had some colds and fevers as a kid but no broken anything." And she is taking notes as I conjure up my life story! Eventually a different nurse stops us and asks about this pregnancy and the last three in particular.

Have you ever had an IV in your hand. God bless you if you have and keep you safe if you haven't! You'd think after giving birth with no drugs I'd be ready for any kind of pain. Sheesh! My hand ached all day Friday and through this morning. Wait let me check...yep still sore! 

They drew blood, ran labs, and Dr. Zimmer came back with good news! I knew he would. Why? Because Dr. Zimmer was wearing horn rimmed glasses and a bow tie that matched his slacks and this kind grandpa-esq man could not bring us bad news. Anyway, all tests came back great! My gallbladder gets to stay! Bad news, it's gastritis. Another typical pregnant side effect. They fill me with fluids and pepcid and after about an hour or so I feel much better and can be on my way home.

Talking with Mary again, this will either get worse or better. The position of the baby and my uterus is squeezing my stomach, forcing stomach acid everywhere it shouldn't be and irritating my stomach lining. So I'm taking pepcid, zofran and tums and making sure I eat very small meals multiple times a day. Today I was feeling 100% better :-) Here's hoping as this one continues to grow, he/she also moves into a different position!

Tuesday we are having a sonogram and we may find out if we're growing a boy or a girl! So the plan is to take black and white belly shots that night and feature a blue or pink bow in full color. Then send out postcards.  Check your mailbox around Friday folks...


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