These photos are from this morning. We went to the Easter egg hunt on campus hosted by the alumni association. Had a blast! We knew quite a few folks there. It turned into a playdate :) There were eggs all over and it was all sectioned off by age. The largest group was hers, so we snuck down to the oldest group because there were virtually no kids in that area. I set her down in the grass and she picked up one egg for each hand. And that was all. She game me a look that said, "Ok, mom I have al I need" and proceeded to play with those two eggs for about an hour! I love watching her and learning something! Our lesson today was take what you need. She came up with that all on her own :)
The escapades of Savannah Joy and her big sister Cassidy Grace are the primary reason for this blog's existence. However, I also throw in random thoughts, photographs, adventures and other tidbits to keep it interesting :-)